Digital Image Processing Lectures by Maj Dr. Naveed


Lecture No 1a-Introduction:

Lecture 1a includes:

1- Introduction of Course and Course Contents.

2- Recommended Books for DIP 

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Lec_1_a_Course_Introduction.pdf Lec_1_a_Course_Introduction.pdf
Size : 1849.142 Kb
Type : pdf

Lecture No 1b-Introduction:

Lecture 1b includes:

1- 1-D Signal

2- 2-D Signal
3- Quantization
4- 3-D Signal
and about Digital Image Processing and it's applications.                                                                                  
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Lec_1_b_Introduction_IM.pdf Lec_1_b_Introduction_IM.pdf
Size : 13988.857 Kb
Type : pdf

Lecture No 1c-Introduction:

Lecture 1c includes the complete structure of the Human Eye.

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Lec_1_Eye.pptx Lec_1_Eye.pptx
Size : 800.228 Kb
Type : pptx


 C++ Lectures

Lecture No 1:

Constants,Data Types and Variables:

Constants ,Data Types and Variables Lecture has the following contents:
  1. Concept of Constants in C++
  2. Use of Constants in C++ programming
  3. Examples of Constants in C++ Language
  4. Concept of Data Types in C++
  5. Different Types of Data Types in C++ Language
  6. How to Use Data Types in C++ Programming
  7. Concept of Variables in C++
  8. Use of Variables in C++ Programming
  9. Examples of how to use Variables in C++ Language

Constants, Data Types and Variables.ppt Constants, Data Types and Variables.ppt
Size : 0.325 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 2:

Arithmetic Operators:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Arithmetic Operators in C++
  2. Uses of Arithmetic Operators in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of different Arithmetic Operators in C++ Language
Arithmetic Operators.ppt Arithmetic Operators.ppt
Size : 0.09 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 3:

Slide 1 Slide 1
Relational Operators and Decisions:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Relational Operators in C++
  2. Use of Relational Operators in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Relational Operators in C++ Language
  4. What are Decisions in C++?
  5. Different  Types of Decisions in C++ Programming
  6. Use of Decisions in C++ Language
  7. Examples of Decisions
Relational Operators and Decision.ppt Relational Operators and Decision.ppt
Size : 0.314 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 4:


This Lecture has the following contents
  1. Concept of Loops in C++
  2. Different types of Loops in C++ Programming  (For Loops,While Loops,Do While Loops,Nested Loops...)
  3. Uses of Loops in C++ Language
  4. Examples of Loops in C++ programming Language  

Loops.ppt Loops.ppt
Size : 0.243 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 5:

Loops and Type Conversion:

This Lecture has the following Contents
  1. More Detail on Loops
  2. Concept of Type Conversion in C++
  3. uses of Type Conversion in C++ Programming
  4. Examples of Type Conversion in C++ Language

Loop and Type Conversion.ppt Loop and Type Conversion.ppt
Size : 0.114 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 6:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Functions in C++
  2. Different types of Functions in C++ Programming
  3. Use of Functions in C++ Language                                                                                           
  4. Passing arguments to Functions
  5. Pass by Value and Pass by Reference
  6. Examples

Functions.ppt Functions.ppt
Size : 0.267 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 7:

Slide 1


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Arrays in C++
  2. Use of Arrays in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Arrays in C++ Language
  4. Different Types of Arrays (one Dimensional Arrays in C++ Language and Multidimensional Arrays in C++ Language).
  5. Examples

Arrays.ppt Arrays.ppt
Size : 0.222 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 8:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Strings in C++
  2. Use of Strings in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Strings in C++ Language
  4. Functions in C++ Strings

Strings.ppt Strings.ppt
Size : 0.268 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 9:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Structures in C++
  2. Use of Structures in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Structures  in C++ Language
  4. Instance of Structures
  5. Uses of Instances 

Structures.ppt Structures.ppt
Size : 0.24 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 10:

Nested Structures:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Nested Structures in C++
  2. Use of Nested Structures in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Nested Structures in C++ Language

Nested Structures.ppt Nested Structures.ppt
Size : 0.218 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 11:

Reference Arguments:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. what are Reference Arguments in C++ ?
  2. Uses of References Arguments in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Reference Arguments in C++ Language

Reference Arguments.ppt Reference Arguments.ppt
Size : 0.209 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 12:

Introduction to OOP:

This Lecture has the Following Contents

  1. Concept of OOP in C++ which stands for Object Oriented Programming in C++ Language
  2. Introduction to OOP
  3. Use of OOP in C++ Programming
  4. Examples  illustrating the concept of  OOP in C++ Language

Introduction to OOP.ppt Introduction to OOP.ppt
Size : 0.636 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 13:

 Classes (Part 1):

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. What are Classes in C++
  2. Use of Classes in C++ Programming
  3. Examples of Classes in C++ Language

Classes (Part 1).ppt Classes (Part 1).ppt
Size : 0.403 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 14:

Classes ( Part 2):

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Details of Classes in C++
  2. Static Classes in C++ Programming
  3. Constants member functions in C++ Language  and constant data members in C++ Language using Classes
  4. Constructors in C++
  5. Use of Constructors in C++ Programming
  6. why Constructors are so important in C++ ?
  7. Examples of Constructors in C++ Language
  8. Different Types of Constructors in C++ programming 
  9. Destructors in C++
  10. Use of Destructors in C++ Programming
  11. why Destructors are so important in C++ ?
  12. Examples of Destructors in C++ Language
  13. Reference in C++
  14. Use of Reference in C++ Programming
  15. Examples  related to Reference in C++ Language
  16. and a Little about Enumerations in C++ Programming
Classes (Part 2).ppt Classes (Part 2).ppt
Size : 0.434 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 15:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Inheritance in C++
  2. Different types of Inheritance in C++ programming
  3. Derived Classes in C++ Language
  4. Examples of Inheritance in C++ Language
  5. Composition in C++
  6. Use of Composition in C++ programming
  7. Examples of Composition in C++ Language

Inheritance.ppt Inheritance.ppt
Size : 1.35 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 16:

Operator Overloading:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. What is Overloading ?
  2. Concept of Operator Overloading in C++
  3. Use of Operator Overloading in C++ Programming
  4. Different types of Operator Overloading in C++ Language
  5. Examples

Operator Overloading.ppt Operator Overloading.ppt
Size : 0.498 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 17:

Inheritance and Polymorphism:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Relationship Between Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++
  2. Concept of Polymorphism in C++ Programming
  3. Use of Polymorphism in C++ Language
  4. Examples Illustrating Polymorphism

Polymorphism.ppt Polymorphism.ppt
Size : 0.551 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 18:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Filing Handling in C++
  2. Use of File Handling in C++ Programming
  3. Different Types of File handling in C++ Language  (Sequential File Handling in C++ Language and Random File Handling in C++ Language).
  4. Examples of File Handling

Filing.ppt Filing.ppt
Size : 0.503 Kb
Type : ppt

Data Structures and Algorithms

Lecture No 1:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Data Structures in C++
  2. Use of Data Structures in C++ Programming
  3. Different Types of Data Structures in C++ Language  (Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Doubly Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs, Sorting etc...).
  4. What is Abstract Data Typs in C++ Language?
Lecture_1.ppt Lecture_1.ppt
Size : 325 Kb
Type : ppt

 Lecture No 2:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Algorithms in C++
  2. Use of Algorithms in C++ Programming
  3. Analysis of Algorithms in C++ Language.
  4. Types of Algorithms Analysis
  5. Big Oh Notation in C++
  6. Big Oh Examples
  7. Nested Loops Algorithm Analysis in C++ Language
  8. Sequential Loops Analysis in C++ Programming
Lecture_2.ppt Lecture_2.ppt
Size : 542 Kb
Type : ppt

 Lecture No 3:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Stacks in C++
  2. Use of Stacks in C++ Programming
  3. Types of Stack Implementations in C++ Programming 
  4. Operations on Stack
  5. Source Code of Static Implementation in C++ Language
  6. Source Code of Dynamic Implementation in C++
  7. Stack Applications
  8. Concept of Pointers
Lecture_3.ppt Lecture_3.ppt
Size : 370.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 4:

Applications of Stacks:

This Lecture has the Following Contents

  1. Usage of Stacks in C++
  2. Applications of Stacks in C++ Programming
  3. Problem Solving using Stacks in C++ Language 
  4. Parenthesis Checking using Stacks
  5. Algorithm of Brackets Checking  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs Page of the website).
  6. Infix, Postfix and Prefix Notations
  7. Examples of infix, postfix and prefix notations
  8. Conversion from infix to postfix notation
  9. Algorithm of Conversion  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs Page of the website).
  10. Evaluation of Postfix Notation
  11. Algorithm of Evaluation of Postfix Notation  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs page of the website)
Lecture_4.ppt Lecture_4.ppt
Size : 636 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 5:


This Lecture has the Following Contents

  1. Concept of Queues in C++
  2. Use of Queues in C++ Programming
  3. Types of Queues Implementations in C++ Programming 
  4. Operations on Queues
  5. Source Code of Static Implementation in C++ Language
  6. Source Code of Dynamic Implementation in C++
  7. Circular Queues in C++ Programming  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs page of the website)
  8. Priority Queues in C++  Programming  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs page of the website)
Lecture_5.ppt Lecture_5.ppt
Size : 418 Kb
Type : ppt

 Lecture No 6:

Linked Lists:

This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Linked Lists in C++
  2. Use of Linked Lists in C++ Programming
  3. Types of Linked Lists in C++ Programming 
  4. Operations on Linked Lists
  5. Linked Lists versus Arrays
  6. Algorithm for Implementation of Linked Lists in C++ Language  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs page of the website).

Lecture_6.ppt Lecture_6.ppt
Size : 535 Kb
Type : ppt

 Lecture No 7:

Doubly Linked Lists:

 This Lecture has the Following Contents

  1. Concept of Doubly Linked Lists in C++
  2. Use of Doubly Linked Lists in C++ Programming
  3. Advantages of Doubly Linked Lists in C++ Programming 
  4. Operations on Doubly  Linked Lists
  5. Algorithm for Implementation of Doubly Linked Lists in C++ Language  (Source Code is given in Sample Programs page of the website).
Lecture 7.ppt Lecture 7.ppt
Size : 426.5 Kb
Type : ppt

 Lecture No 8:


 This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Recursion in C++
  2. Use of Recursion in C++ Programming
  3. Advantages of Recursion in C++ Language
  4. Examples of Recursions ( Source Codes are given in Sample Programs page of the website).
Lecture 8.ppt Lecture 8.ppt
Size : 338.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 9:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Trees in C++
  2. Use of Trees in C++ Programming
  3. Advantages of Trees in C++ Programming 
  4. Operations on Trees
  5. Trees Terminologies
  6. Binary Search Tree in C++ Language
  7. Trees Traversal
  8. Inoreder Traversal, PreOrder Traversal and Postorder Traversal
  9. Implementation Code of Trees in C++ Language  
  10. Get Parent and Get Minimum Functions (Source Codes are given in Sample Programs page of the website).
Lecture 9.ppt Lecture 9.ppt
Size : 1654 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 10:


 This Lecture has the Following Contents

  1. Concept of Sorting in C++
  2. Use of Sorting in C++ Programming
  3. Advantages of Sorting in C++ Language
  4. Different Types of Sorting
  5. Selection Sort
  6. Insertion Sort
  7. Bubble Sort
  8. Merge Sort
  9. Quick Sort
  10. Heap Sort  (Source Codes is given in Sample Programs page of the website).
  11. Shell Sort
Lecture 10.ppt Lecture 10.ppt
Size : 869.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Lecture No 11:


This Lecture has the Following Contents
  1. Concept of Graphs in C++
  2. Use of Graphs in C++ Programming
  3. Advantages of Graphs in C++ Language
  4. Operations on Graphs
  5. Graph Terminologies
  6. Types of Graph Representation in C++ Language
  7. Adjacency Matrix Representation of Graphs
  8. Linked List Representation of Graphs
  9. Graph Traversal
  10. Breath First Graph Traversal
  11. Depth First Graph Traversal
  12. Implementation Code of Graphs in C++ Language  
  13. Different Functions of graphs (Source Codes are given in Sample Programs page of the website).
Lecture 11.ppt Lecture 11.ppt
Size : 1519 Kb
Type : ppt

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